Opinion of the population of Kyrgyzstan about the presidential election campaign

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Public organization “Coalition for Democracy and Civil Society” conducted a nationwide telephone sociological survey from November 20 to 25, 2017.

The purpose of this survey was to identify the reasons for changing and variations in political preferences of citizens of Kyrgyzstan during the presidential election campaign.

This sociological survey was aimed at revealing the reasons for changing political preferences and opinions of citizens of Kyrgyzstan during the presidential election campaign.

• Among the main campaign sources that gave voters more information about presidential candidates and their programs were: television (38.9%), Internet publications (19.4%), social networks (11.4%), newspapers (7.6%), as well as TV debates (6.5%).
• 67.3% of respondents are convinced that campaigning influences the choice of voters to some extent. Of these, 40.5% believe that the campaign campaign is of great influence on the individual choice of voters, and 26.8% consider that campaigning has a partial influence. Every fifth (21.8%) respondent believes that campaigning does not affect any way the choice of voters.
• The majority of respondents (61.4%) admitted that they watched neither the first nor the second round of the national TV debates of presidential candidates. In total, 38.6% of the respondents watched the national TV debates. Of these, 18.6% watched both rounds of TV debates of presidential candidates, 8.8% of respondents only the first round, and 11.2% only the second round.

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